Misspelled words on eBay listings will reduce these sellers from getting their items seen on google and search engines. These items end up with no bids. Even a high cost item will be lost if the seller did not spell words correctly.
Myself have even spelled a word incorrectly, but thank goodness for my windows have a spell checker included into my browser when I am listing items. I do Not ignore this when I see a word that is highlighted in Red. I will right click on it and correct the spelling it needed.
These misspelled words are not only found in the titles, but also in the description and your categories. Misspelled words can hurt your business. Double check your listings before you send to auction or as a buy it now or fixed price item.
If you know you have a good item that will sell, but it ends in your auction with no bids, might be best to look at the spelling of your words. One misspelled word can cause you to loose out on a good sale you had a posted.
These misspelled words are very good items to look for if you are looking for a bargain of your own or to resell.
I have searched and found quiet a few places that let you search for misspelled words. One I found to come up with the most searches is with AuctionIntelligence
With AuctionIntelligence you can search misspelled words in eBay US, Canada, UK and Australia. Plus it is free to do a search with. It will give you the quantities it finds in the country you selected. AuctionIntelligence
Thanks for the Great info Debbie !